Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lesson 10 Journal_Developmental Writing I

Lesson 10 Journal_Developmental Writing I

Q How are your classes for the semester going so far? Is your current average in each class what you want it to be? If so, what steps will you take to maintain that grade? If not, what steps will you take to recover from poor grades earlier in the semester, and, ideally, pass each class?

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Currently, my grades are not very high, but some works require grading, and my previous mistakes brought it down further. However, I have made myself aware of the mistakes and trying my best to improve those so that it impacts both my grades and my studies positively. Classes have been going well so far, and I pray that we all can keep sailing smoothly and tackling the issues that have been gripping the entire world. At such times of crisis, it makes a hit in every aspect of life, and educations too can be affected, as studies need a calm mind for focus.